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The Power Of Implementing a Multi-Channel Marketing System

It’s essential to implement a multi-channel marketing system when trying to create effective b2b marketing strategies for your company to increase sales. 

According to Lead Forensics, 95% of business owners already know the importance of a multi-channel marketing approach, but only 14% of organizations believe they’ve successfully implemented one. 

Diversifying your marketing leads to stability. By implementing a multi-channel marketing system in your business, you utilize a selection of direct and indirect marketing communications in hopes of igniting interest in your brand and what your brand offers. 

Several channels are available online and offline, allowing diversity to target your perfect buyers. 

Let’s say you only have one marketing strategy, which is pulling in $10,000.00 a month. It can be tempting not to do anything else. This is a mistake, making you very vulnerable since you are putting all your eggs in one basket. 

If for some reason, that strategy starts only pulling in half as much, only $5,000 a month, you’re in trouble. But on the other hand, if you have ten different strategies to get new clients each month, that’s better than 1. 

The more reliable systems you have bring in a steady flow of new clients, the more stable you will generate sales. Even if you have ten different strategies bringing in $10,000.00 a month and one stops working, your company will still be fine. 

This is why it is so critical to implement a multi-channel strategy, as 72% of consumers say they prefer to connect with brands through multiple channels before purchasing. 

There are five advantages you can capitalize by implementing a multi-channel strategy: 

1. Brand Awareness beyond initial interest The more your brand is “out there,” the more likely people will find you and remember you when they see you again. This keeps your brand in a top-of-mind position. 

2. Allows you to put the prospect first without any hassle – A multi-channel approach means that you’re always catching the prospect at the best moment and in the best way. 

3. Allows you to reach more people –Multi-channel approaches allow you to broaden your reach, often with little to no extra cost. 

4. It’s speedy – On average, a lead interacts with your company 7- 15 times before they feel ready to speak to a sales rep. This is sped up enormously by a multi-channel approach- as you start to appear everywhere they look, and before they know it- you’re the only brand they have in mind! 

5. Gives you a grip on earned media – Every company can control their paid media such as Pay Per Click advertising or direct mail. Their owned media, such as their social media accounts or website, combine to make earned media. Customer reviews, word of mouth, and social media engagement all lie out of your control- you have to reach them, and they can be the most powerful form of marketing. 

By employing a multi-channel approach, you’ll have a better grasp of your earned media and how you can mold it in the way you want. 

As you can see, there are several benefits of implementing a multi-channel marketing system. Still, the most important is a consistent flow of leads and more opportunities to generate more sales. 

If you need help in implementing a multi-channel marketing system in your company to increase sales quickly, we invite you to book a FREE Quick Wins Growth Session!

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